Cup of Coffee, Brewer

Coffee Equipment

Get the perfect brewer for your office.

The best cup of coffee starts with a reliable commercial coffee brewer that won’t quit in high volume situations. We offer equipment options for any size business, including single serve brewers, pour over coffee makers, and even Bean-to-Cup machines. With Coffee Express by Diamond Springs, our team ensures your brewer is serviced and stocked at all times.

coffee table office diamond springs

Equipment Specifications

diamond springs k1500 coffee brewer

Keurig K1500 Commercial Coffee Maker

Here’s some reasons that this Keurig model is perfect for small businesses of 10-15 employees. First, the K1500 coffee brewer features quiet brew technology, that minimizes brewer noise. Second, it showcases an extra-large 96 ounce reservoir, so you don’t waste time always refilling.  Need a big cup of joe to get the day started, but a smaller one after lunch? Try the Keurig K1500 6oz, 8oz, 10oz, or 12oz pours!

Keurig K150 Office Pro Commercial Coffee Maker

Do your employees rely on that first cup of coffee to get going on Monday mornings? The Keurig K150 is for you.  The touch screen interface is full color, complete with programmable settings and brewing instructions. It has the option to be plumbed in or utilized with a reservoir. Simply said, it makes office life a little bit easier.

diamond springs k150 coffee brewer
diamond springs keurig k2500 coffee brewer

Keurig k2500 
Commercial Coffee Maker

This brewer combines intuitive tech with clean lines and modern elegance. It delivers its beverage goodness all at the touch of a screen. This adaptive brewer can be plumbed for continuous brewing or can be used with a 110 oz. water reservoir. Plus features 5 cup sizes (4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 oz.). Don’t miss the “STRONG” button that enhances the intensity of taste of your coffee’s flavor! 

Keurig k3500 
Commercial Coffee Maker

This versatile 5 cup size brewer is high in demand for offices of all sizes. Multi-lingual brewing instructions, plus touch screen features, make it super easy to operate.

This commercial grade coffee brewer is plumbed directly into a water source, so there’s no need to constantly refill the reservoir.

diamond springs k3500 coffee brewer
Keurig Eccellenza Touch Bean To Cup Brewer

Eccellenza Touch Bean to Cup Coffee Maker

Fresh is always better! Brew exceptional coffee as well as hot specialty beverages at the touch of a screen with this bean to cup brewer.

The Eccellenza Touch showcases a high-definition and user-friendly touchscreen that simplifies beverage selection and offers the freshest cup of coffee possible.  This is a must for casual coffee drinkers and connoisseurs alike!

Two Warmer Pour-Over

Coffee Maker

If you’re looking for rich, flavorful coffee but are tight on counter space, plug in our two warmer pour-over brewing system.

Available with two warming plates to keep more than one pot hot at a time, this popular brewing system is a lovely and affordable coffee brewer option. 

Koffee King 3 coffee brewer

Three Warmer Automatic Coffee Maker


When your business needs brewed coffee in volume, turn to the three warmer option by Coffee Express from Diamond Springs. Another machine that has the option to be plumbed for continuous brewing, it can also be operated as a pour over coffee maker. 

This brewer is known to be very service friendly, and it’s high quality, easy-to-clean stainless steel construction makes this a must have in any office space.

Automatic Airpot Coffee Brewer

These airpot coffee brewers offer volume brewing to fit in limited spaces with a lower height that can be squeezed in tight corners. 

This brewer is designed to eliminate flow control problems, resist clogging, and is equipped with a thermal server for easy transporting for conference rooms, lunch gatherings, or meetings that require coffee to get through.

Gourmet 1000 Airpot Brewer

Looking for Office Delivery Services?

Look no further!  Diamond Springs is happy to provide delivery service to your residence and your business. 

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Let our experts help. We pride ourselves on delivering high quality products with quick, reliable service. We promise to get back to you as soon as possible.

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